You can use functions that are executed before your event to determine if it's executed. For example, if you want to apply a prefix to the messages, you can simply use the @Guard
The order of execution of the guards is done according to their position in the list, so they will be executed in order (from top to bottom).
Supported with
- @ButtonComponent
- @ContextMenu
- @Discord
- @ModalComponent
- @On
- @Once
- @SelectMenuComponent
- @SimpleCommand
- @Slash
import { NotBot } from "@discordx/utilities";
import { Discord, On, Client, Guard } from "discordx";
class Example {
NotBot, // You can use multiple guard functions, they are executed in the same order!
async onMessage([message]: ArgsOf<"messageCreate">) {
switch (message.content.toLowerCase()) {
case "hello":
message.reply("Command not found");
Guards for @Discord
When you use @Guard
along with @Discord
the guard is applied to:
import { NotBot } from "@discordx/utilities";
import { Events } from "discord.js";
import {
} from "discordx";
class Example {
@On({ event: Events.MessageCreate })
message([message]: ArgsOf<"messageCreate">) {
@SimpleCommand({ name: "hello" })
hello(command: SimpleCommandMessage) {
Global guards
When can setup some guards globally
Global guards are executed before @Discord guards
import { NotBot } from "@discordx/utilities";
import { Client } from "discordx"; // Use the client provided by discordx, not discord.js.
async function start() {
const client = new Client({
botId: "test",
silent: false,
guards: [NotBot],
await client.login("YOUR_TOKEN");
The guard functions
Here is a simple example of a guard function (the payload and the client instance are injected like for events)
Guards work like Koa
's, it's a function passed in parameter (third parameter in the guard function) and you will have to call if the guard is passed.
If next
isn't called the next guard (or the main method) will not be executed
import { GuardFunction, ArgsOf } from "discordx";
export const NotBot: GuardFunction<ArgsOf<"messageCreate">> = async (
) => {
if (client.user.id !== message.author.id) {
await next();
If you have to indicate parameters for a guard function you can simple use the "function that returns a function" pattern like this:
export function Prefix(text: string, replace: boolean = true) {
const guard: GuardFunction<
ArgsOf<"messageCreate"> | CommandInteraction
> = async (arg, client, next) => {
const argObj = arg instanceof Array ? arg[0] : arg;
if (argObj instanceof CommandInteraction) {
await next();
} else {
const message = argObj;
const startWith = message.content.startsWith(text);
if (replace) {
message.content = message.content.replace(text, "");
if (startWith) {
await next();
return guard;
Guard data
As 4th parameter you receive a basic empty object that can be used to transmit data between guard and with your main method.
export const NotBot: GuardFunction<
| ArgsOf<"messageCreate" | "messageReactionAdd" | "voiceStateUpdate">
| ButtonInteraction
| ChannelSelectMenuInteraction
| CommandInteraction
| ContextMenuCommandInteraction
| MentionableSelectMenuInteraction
| ModalSubmitInteraction
| RoleSelectMenuInteraction
| StringSelectMenuInteraction
| UserSelectMenuInteraction
| SimpleCommandMessage
> = async (arg, client, next, guardData) => {
const argObj = arg instanceof Array ? arg[0] : arg;
const user =
argObj instanceof CommandInteraction
? argObj.user
: argObj instanceof MessageReaction
? argObj.message.author
: argObj instanceof VoiceState
? argObj.member?.user
: argObj instanceof Message
? argObj.author
: argObj instanceof SimpleCommandMessage
? argObj.message.author
: argObj instanceof ButtonInteraction ||
argObj instanceof ChannelSelectMenuInteraction ||
argObj instanceof CommandInteraction ||
argObj instanceof ContextMenuCommandInteraction ||
argObj instanceof MentionableSelectMenuInteraction ||
argObj instanceof ModalSubmitInteraction ||
argObj instanceof RoleSelectMenuInteraction ||
argObj instanceof StringSelectMenuInteraction ||
argObj instanceof UserSelectMenuInteraction
? argObj.member?.user
: argObj.message.author;
if (!user?.bot) {
guardData.message = "the NotBot guard passed";
await next();
import { Discord, Slash, Client, Guard } from "discordx";
import { CommandInteraction } from "discord.js";
import { NotBot } from "./NotBot";
class Example {
@Slash({ description: "hello" })
async hello(
interaction: CommandInteraction,
client: Client,
guardData: { message: string },
) {
// > the NotBot guard passed
Access client from decorator
class Example {
@SimpleCommand({ name: "my-cmd" })
async myCmd(command: SimpleCommandMessage, client: Client) {
command.message.reply("Hello :wave_tone1:");
Access guard data from decorator
class Example {
@SimpleCommand({ name: "my-cmd" })
async myCmd(command: SimpleCommandMessage, client: Client, guardData: any) {
command.message.reply("Hello :wave_tone1:");
Guard<Type = any, DataType = any>(
...fns: GuardFunction<Type, DataType>[]
Make changes to
It either extends or overwrites data configured in below decorators, however, the order of decorators matters.