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bot decorator help you manage multiple bot's in single node instance


Bot(...botIDs: string[]): ClassMethodDecorator;

Supported with


@Bot("alex", "zoe") // Define which bot can run the following commands or events
class Example {
hello(command: SimpleCommandMessage) {
command.message.reply(`👋 ${message.member}`);

const alex = new Client({
botId: "alex", // define botId

const zoe = new Client({
botId: "zoe", // define botId

// We will now build our application to load all the commands/events for both bots. => {
// Now that the app is ready, we can login to both bots
alex.login("alex token");
zoe.login("zoe token");

Make changes to

It either extends or overwrites data configured in below decorators, however, the order of decorators matters.







