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A slash command can have multiple options (parameters)

query is an option in this image


SlashOption(options: SlashOptionOptions);

Declare an option

To declare an option you simply use the @SlashOption decorator before a method parameter

class Example {
@Slash({ description: "add" })
description: "x value",
name: "x",
required: true,
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Number,
x: number,
description: "y value",
name: "y",
required: true,
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Number,
y: number,
interaction: CommandInteraction,
) {
interaction.reply(String(x + y));

Create option using discord.js builders

import {
type CommandInteraction,
} from "discord.js";
import { Discord, Slash, SlashOption } from "discordx";

const cmd = new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription("Say hello!");

const user_option = new SlashCommandMentionableOption()
.setDescription("Mention user to say hello to.")

export class Example {
async hello(
@SlashOption(user_option) user: User,
interaction: CommandInteraction,
): Promise<void> {
await interaction.reply(`:wave: ${user}`);


Act as middleware for your parameters. Take a look at the following example to see how useful it is.

class Document {
public input: string,
public interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
) {
empty constructor

async save(): Promise<void> {
your logic to save input into database

await this.interaction.followUp(
`${this.interaction.user} saved \`${this.input}\` into database`,

function DocumentTransformer(
input: string,
interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
): Document {
return new Document(input, interaction);

export class Example {
@Slash({ description: "Save input into database", name: "save-input" })
async withTransformer(
description: "input",
name: "input",
required: true,
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String,
doc: Document,
interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction,
): Promise<void> {
await interaction.deferReply();;

Autocomplete option

Autocomplete interactions allow your application to dynamically return option suggestions to a user as they type. - discord

Method - Resolver

When defining an autocomplete slash option, you can define a resolver for autocomplete inside @SlashOption to simplify things.

autocomplete: function (
interaction: AutocompleteInteraction
) {
{ name: "option a", value: "a" },
{ name: "option b", value: "b" },
description: "autocomplete",
name: "autocomplete",
required: true,
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String,
input: string,

Method - Boolean

discordx will call your command handler with autocomplete interaction if you use boolean instead of resolver.

autocomplete: true,
description: "choice",
name: "choice",
required: true,
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String,
}) input: string,
interaction: CommandInteraction | AutocompleteInteraction

Example - All Methods

class Example {
myCustomText = "Hello discordx";

@Slash({ description: "autocomplete" })
autocomplete: true,
description: "option-a",
name: "option-a",
required: true,
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String,
searchText: string,
autocomplete: function (
this: Example,
interaction: AutocompleteInteraction,
) {
// The normal function has this (keyword), therefore class reference is available

// resolver for option b
{ name: "option c", value: "d" },
{ name: "option d", value: "c" },
description: "option-b",
name: "option-b",
required: true,
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String,
searchText2: string,
autocomplete: (interaction: AutocompleteInteraction) => {
// This is not available for the arrow function, so there is no class reference
{ name: "option e", value: "e" },
{ name: "option f", value: "f" },
description: "option-c",
name: "option-c",
required: true,
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String,
searchText3: string,
interaction: CommandInteraction | AutocompleteInteraction,
): void {
// If autocomplete is not handled above, it will be passed to handler (see option-a definition)
if (interaction.isAutocomplete()) {
const focusedOption = interaction.options.getFocused(true);
// resolver for option a
if ( === "option-a") {
{ name: "option a", value: "a" },
{ name: "option b", value: "b" },
} else {

Manual typing

If you want to specify the type manually you can do it:

class Example {
@Slash({ description: "Get id", name: "get-id" })
description: "x",
name: "x",
required: true,
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Mentionable,
mentionable: GuildMember | User | Role,
interaction: CommandInteraction,
) {

Autocompletion (Option's choices)

You can use the @SlashChoice decorator

Option order

You have to put required options before optional ones
Or you will get this error:

(node:64399) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: DiscordAPIError: Invalid Form Body
options[1]: Required options must be placed before non-required options