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An option of a Slash command can implement an autocompletion feature for string and number types


SlashChoice(...choices: string[]);
SlashChoice(...choices: number[]);
SlashChoice(...choices: SlashChoiceType[]);

Setup autocompletion

You just decorate your parameter with one or multiple @SlashChoice !

class Example {
@Slash({ description: "I am" })
@SlashChoice({ name: "Human", value: "human" })
@SlashChoice({ name: "Astronaut", value: "astronaut" })
@SlashChoice({ name: "Dev", value: "dev" })
description: "What are you?",
name: "what",
required: true,
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String,
what: string,

@SlashChoice(10, 20, 30)
description: "fuel",
name: "fuel",
required: true,
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Number,
fuel: number,

@SlashChoice("Patrol", "Diesel")
description: "type",
name: "type",
required: true,
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String,
type: number,

interaction: CommandInteraction,
) {
interaction.reply(`what: ${what}, fuel: ${fuel}, type: ${type}`);

Use object or enum to define all the choices at once

enum TextChoices {
// WhatDiscordShows = value
Hello = "Hello",
"Good Bye" = "Good Bye",

class Example {
@Slash({ description: "hello" })
name: TextChoices[TextChoices.Hello],
value: TextChoices.Hello,
name: TextChoices[TextChoices["Good Bye"]],
value: TextChoices["Good Bye"],
@SlashChoice({ name: "How are you", value: "hay" })
description: "text",
name: "text",
required: true,
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String,
text: string,
interaction: CommandInteraction,
) {