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ECMAScript (ESM) vs CommonJS (CJS)


This document provides a very basic overview, please refer to the linked references for more information.

What is a module?

A module is simply a JavaScript or TypeScript file.

What is module system?

A module is a collection of JavaScript code written in a file. A module's variables, functions are not available for use unless they are exported from the module file.

There are two main module systems:

How to determine my module system?

Look at the type field in package.json.

The "type" field defines the module format that Node.js uses for all .js files that have that package.json file as their nearest parent - Node.js


CommonJS is used if type field is not defined.





Import in CJS vs ESM

ESM: Imports should end with a extension.


CJS: I don't care!


In the case of TypeScript or JavaScript, please use the extension .js

import { helper } from "./foo"; // ❌ only works in CJS

import { helper } from "./foo.js"; // ✅ works in ESM & CJS