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Create a discord bot with TypeScript and Decorators!

📖 Introduction

This module is an extension of, so the internal behavior (methods, properties, ...) is the same

This library allows you to use TypeScript decorators on, it simplifies your code and improves the readability!

💻 Installation

Version 16.6.0 or newer of Node.js is required

npm install @discordx/
yarn add @discordx/

🆕 Features

  • Support multiple server in a single nodejs instance (@AppId)
  • Support TSyringe
  • Support ECMAScript

📟 @On/@Once

do not forget to wrap each class with @Ws()

import { Guard, Next, On, Once, Server, Ws } from "@discordx/";
import { Socket } from "";

class Example {
@Guard(([]: [Socket], server: Server, socket: unknown, next: Next) => {
console.log("I am mdw");
return next();
on(): void {
console.log("I am @onx");

disconnect(): void {
console.log("I am disconnect");

once(): void {
console.log("I am @Once");

📜 Documentation

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💖 Thank you

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