Class DComponent


  • Method
    • DComponent



_classRef: Record<string, any>
_discord: DDiscord
_from: Record<string, any>
_guards: DGuard[] = []
_index?: number
_key: string
_method?: Record<string, any>


  • get classRef(): Record<string, any>
  • Gets or sets the class reference being decorated.

    Returns Record<string, any>

  • set classRef(value): void
  • Parameters

    • value: Record<string, any>

    Returns void

  • get execute(): ((guards: GuardFunction[], ...params: unknown[]) => Promise<unknown>)
  • Compiled methods executes all the guards and the main method

    compiledMethod = async (params: ArgsOf<any>, client: Client) => {
    guard1(params, client)
    guard2(params, client)
    guard3(params, client)
    main(params, client)

    Returns ((guards: GuardFunction[], ...params: unknown[]) => Promise<unknown>)

      • (guards, ...params): Promise<unknown>
      • Parameters

        Returns Promise<unknown>

  • get from(): Record<string, any>
  • Gets or sets the originating class reference.

    Returns Record<string, any>

  • set from(value): void
  • Parameters

    • value: Record<string, any>

    Returns void

  • get index(): undefined | number
  • Gets the index of the parameter being decorated, if applicable.

    Returns undefined | number

  • get isClass(): boolean
  • Determines if the target is a class.

    Returns boolean

  • get key(): string
  • Gets the key of the property or method being decorated.

    Returns string

  • get method(): undefined | Record<string, any>
  • Gets the method descriptor if the target is a method.

    Returns undefined | Record<string, any>


  • Applies the decoration to the specified target.


    • classRef: Record<string, any>

      The class reference.

    • key: string

      The property key.

    • Optionalmethod: Record<string, any>

      The method descriptor.

    • Optionalfrom: Record<string, any>

      The originating class reference.

    • Optionalindex: number

      The parameter index.

    Returns this

    The current instance.

  • Decorates an unknown type (class, method, or property).


    • classRef: Record<string, any>

      The class reference.

    • Optionalkey: string

      The property key.

    • Optionalmethod: PropertyDescriptor

      The method descriptor.

    • Optionalindex: number

      The parameter index.

    Returns this

    The current instance.

  • Execute a guard with params


    Returns ((...params: unknown[]) => Promise<unknown>)

      • (...params): Promise<unknown>
      • Parameters

        • Rest...params: unknown[]

        Returns Promise<unknown>